Zuko & Iroh

I recently binged all of Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix. As soon as I saw Suki’s Kyoshi Warrior outfit design, I knew I had to draw it. After that, I got on a roll and kept drawing.


Toph is perhaps one of my favorite characters of all time. She is a 12-year-old blind girl who also happens to be the greatest Earth Bender in the world of Avatar. She proves time and again her seemingly vulnerable character is actually quite well protected by a tough exterior and a sharp sense of humor. These qualities combined with a few rare glimpses at her softer interior make her inevitably charming.


Without spoiling too much here, it is generally agreed among many Avatar fans that Hama is one of the most terrifying characters they have ever seen. I went for a harder edge cell-shading look to try to reflect the moment in the show, and I somehow ended up with an image I could imagine seeing on the cover of Heavy Metal magazine.

Zuko & Iroh
Zuko & Iroh

I was very moved by this moment in the show and tried to do it justice here.