Casey O'Malley
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From the Flying Saucers Are Swell! Intro
From Casey's New Telescope
From Casey's Meditation Experiment
Instagram Posts
Freaky Flicks!
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Casey O'Malley
Casey O'Malley

Casey is the host of Flying Saucers Are Swell. Casey loves flying saucers so much, he started a campaign on the “social libraries” to celebrate and indulge his interests in all things UFO and weird news related. His passion for flying saucers is only rivaled by his annoyance with his own wife, Judy.

Instagram Launch Banner
Instagram Launch Banner
From the Flying Saucers Are Swell! Intro
From the Flying Saucers Are Swell! Intro

The goal with Casey’s comics is to get the feeling that he comes directly out of an old Flying Saucer magazine from the 1950’s. Something you dug up out of the back of an old file cabinet somewhere.

From Casey's New Telescope
From Casey's New Telescope
From Casey's Meditation Experiment
From Casey's Meditation Experiment
Instagram Posts
Instagram Posts

Casey also posts regularly on Instagram with info from old royalty free 1950’s Saucer magazines as well as features giving his take on famous flying saucer cases!

Freaky Flicks!
Freaky Flicks!

Casey also loves old science fiction movies—especially ones that have flying saucers! Casey does bi-weekly reviews of old movies on Tumblr that give his thoughts and a featured cocktail recipe.

Featured Cocktail 2_FF Features.jpg
FSAS Iconography
FSAS Iconography