Cover Art
Hogwarts Punks
The Doofus
The Frienemy
The Meathead
The Rich Kid
The Wrong Way
The Right Way
The Belcho Expecto Enchantment
Owl Gag
Tickle Toads
Golden Snitch
Famous Wizard Insults Cards
Bully Tactics
Cover Art
Cover Art

The Harry Potter Insults Handbook is a parody book written by my friends that they asked me to illustrate. The large images are the different types of Hogwarts bullies at which students may need to throw insults. There were several side images and other sections that needed illustrations, also. The final version turned out lovely, and if you are interested, you can find a link here.

Hogwarts Punks
Hogwarts Punks

The Doofus
The Doofus
The Frienemy
The Frienemy
The Meathead
The Meathead
The Rich Kid
The Rich Kid
The Wrong Way
The Wrong Way
The Right Way
The Right Way
The Belcho Expecto Enchantment
The Belcho Expecto Enchantment
Owl Gag
Owl Gag
Tickle Toads
Tickle Toads
Golden Snitch
Golden Snitch
Famous Wizard Insults Cards
Famous Wizard Insults Cards

These cards were designed to go in the margins of the book as extra insult jokes. Not all of them ended up being used. To save time on illustrating, I designed the card designs in illustrator and modified royalty free historical portraits from the web.

Bully Tactics
Bully Tactics

I had a lot of fun making these. I am proud to claim Magic Carpet Ride as my own personal invention.