Lord Riley Cover
R.O.B.O.T.I.C.O. Cover
The Defecator Cover
Byron color.jpg
Defecator color.jpg
Lord Riley Cover
Lord Riley Cover

A friend is an artistic director in the movie industry, and he asked if I could create some fake 1970’s comic book covers for a movie he was working on. The film company approved of the titles, and I made the rest. This project was a lot of fun.

R.O.B.O.T.I.C.O. Cover
R.O.B.O.T.I.C.O. Cover

I couldn’t help myself with the Hitler bit. Or the unexplainable anagram for Robotico.

The Defecator Cover
The Defecator Cover

This title I am pretty certain my friend came up with based on a character I used to do in our old sketch comedy group. He was like a washed up wrestler type who was all talk. The name of our troupe was the Other Side, so hence the name of the comics company.

Byron color.jpg
Defecator color.jpg