Online Comic
 This page clearly has a different name than the cover. I believe they changed their mind on the name part way through. I don't remember which was correct, and I can't find the other file. Hopefully, you get the idea.
Online Comic
Online Comic

Sustainability Man was an online comic that the Mother Nature Network hired me to do which would be featured on the Walmart website. The premise was written by MNN. I did all the illustrations and designed the layout of the pages. The format was also designed to match a Powerpoint presentation.

 This page clearly has a different name than the cover. I believe they changed their mind on the name part way through. I don't remember which was correct, and I can't find the other file. Hopefully, you get the idea.

This page clearly has a different name than the cover. I believe they changed their mind on the name part way through. I don't remember which was correct, and I can't find the other file. Hopefully, you get the idea.