Improv Space Program Poster & Postcard
Shopper Shuttle Postcard and Punch Card
A Nude Hope Postcard
Hockey Camp Poster
Hockey Camp Poster
150 N Riverside Posters
Poster 24x36 (Copy)
150 Riverside-No Valet-2-7-18.jpg
Winter 150 N Riverside 11-18_Front copy.jpg
CME Construction Postcard
Improv Space Program Poster & Postcard
Improv Space Program Poster & Postcard

This one was influenced a lot by the space shuttle patches an uncle who worked at NASA sent me when I was little.

Shopper Shuttle Postcard and Punch Card
Shopper Shuttle Postcard and Punch Card
A Nude Hope Postcard
A Nude Hope Postcard

This was for a burlesque theater in my neighborhood for which I did many designs. Most of those designs were early work I am not too happy with now, but I still like how the artwork turned out for this one. That helmet is one of my proudest vector achievements.

Hockey Camp Poster
Hockey Camp Poster
Hockey Camp Poster
Hockey Camp Poster
150 N Riverside Posters
150 N Riverside Posters

They wanted bright and colorful. I added silly into that. I think they liked it? I did.

Poster 24x36 (Copy)
Poster 24x36 (Copy)
150 Riverside-No Valet-2-7-18.jpg
Winter 150 N Riverside 11-18_Front copy.jpg
CME Construction Postcard
CME Construction Postcard

For anyone who lives in or visits downtown Chicago, you know that lower Wacker Drive can be a nightmare navigate—much less explain. I feel like this map is about as good as it gets for this specific problem, and I’m pretty proud of it.